About WestConnex M8

WestConnex M8
The M8 motorway opened on Sunday 5 July, 2020 and is the second major underground stage of the WestConnex motorway network.
The M8 runs for 9km from Kingsgrove to St Peters and is marked for two lanes in each direction, with capacity to add a third lane if required. The M8 Tunnels have a height clearance of 5.1 metres.
The M8 doubles the capacity of the M5 East Tunnel, and saves motorists around 30 minutes on a journey from the south west of Sydney to the southern CBD.
It connects to upgraded local roads at St Peters, including two new bridges over the Alexandra Canal, as well as the M5 corridor. The M8 has been built with the future in mind and has connections to future projects including the M4-M5 Link Tunnels (WestConnex Stage 3A), Sydney Gateway and the M6.
A distance based toll applies to the M8 and the M5 East. For more information on tolling click here